Germany has certified translators each of the 16 Länder has its own arrangements.
In England / USA a translator can sign a statement before a notary public the notary public witnesses the translators signature.
A number of sets of guidelines have been issued in Germany. none are binding, but all are helpful
Here are the guidelines issued by the ADÜ NordTypical advice
Preserve layout of original (if its a certificate)
Make sure you have an original or a certified copy
Mention and describe stamps and seals, especially raised seals
Mark the beginning and end of the translation by horizontal lines
Certify: the translation is complete and correct (to the best of your knowledge Bavaria doesnt let us say that)
In your certification, state if you saw an original, a certified copy or a copy
If the translation is not complete, point out what is missing
Attach a copy of the original especially if it is hard to read (mark on it any omissions)
Translators notes can be in square brackets or footnotes the footnotes (endnotes) should come before your signature
Ask the customer to decipher handwriting on the certificate if you cant read it
Ask the customer whether the translation is for the UK, the USA or elsewhere
Some ideas that were new to me (from the BDÜ translators regular meeting in Nuremberg)
If you do an abridged translation, attach a copy of the original and mark in highlighter the bits you left out
If you translate out of German, get a second stamp with the wording translated into your target language otherwise, add a translation of the words on the stamp to your certification