Sky Disc of Nebra convictions is – isn’t: petty crooks fight out German heritage hi-jinks

The Amtsgericht (local court of first instance) in Naumburg has passed the first sentences in the case of the stolen Sky Disc of Nebra.
The two treasure hunters who dug up the disc, inexpertly, causing severe damage to one side, were given sentence suspended on probation. One of them was sentence to four months’ imprisonment on probation for embezzlement and has to do 250 hours community service. The other was sentenced to nine months on probation for handling stolen goods, and a fine of 2000 euros.

bq. Einer der Angeklagten wurde wegen Unterschlagung zu vier Monaten auf Bewährung verurteilt. Außerdem muss er 250 Stunden gemeinnützige Arbeit leisten. Sein Komplize wurde wegen Hehlerei zu neun Monaten auf Bewährung verurteilt. Er muss zudem eine Geldstrafe in Höhe von 2000 Euro zahlen. Gegen einen weiteren Mann und eine Frau wird noch verhandelt.

The recent confession made by both was a mitigating circumstance, and it was important to the archaeologists that the men confessed, because the were then able to answer questions about where and in what condition they found the disc. However, they then sold it for about 32,000 euros. They knew the disc was valuable, but not how important it was – one of them thought it was a bucket lid.

The disc is about 3600 years old and is the oldest precise depicture of the stars. It was found in 1999. See earlier entry.

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