The Contracting and Organizations Research Institute at the University of Missouri has a searchable database of contracts:
bq. The CORI K-Base is a growing Knowledge Base of Contract information, featuring a library of executed contracts and contract forms for a wide array of transaction types and industries. Over 10,000 contracts can be accessed using our full-text search engine. First-time users must complete a free registration.
(Via LawSites). I haven’t investigated it any further. These databases can be useful if you’re translating a U.S. contract and you think there’s an error in it – then you search for the boilerplate and find similar examples, which usually throw light on what’s missing. Or alternatively, if you’re translating into American English, you can find standard boilerplate (I prefer not to adapt a translation too far to the target legal system, because it’s about German law, not English or American law, but where boilerplate is similar, I like to collect it). Google will also help if you enter apparently defective contract language – a clustering search engine will not be so useful here.