IAS adopted by EU online /EU IAS-Texte jetzt abrufbar

Good news from Robin Bonthrone, of Fry and Bonthrone:

The EU has adopted some of the International Accounting Standards (but not yet IAS 32, IAS 39 and related interpretation (SICs).

The text is available online: English version / German version.

You have to click on the little ‘1’ to get a PDF file of the Official Journal.

The texts are available in the other 9 official languages too (click on abbreviation at top of page).

This is great news, as the easiest way to get them so far has been as thick books often updated.

See also Robin Bonthrone’s article on German Financial Accounting translation in the Translation Journal.

3 thoughts on “IAS adopted by EU online /EU IAS-Texte jetzt abrufbar

  1. Robin’s also a first-class conference speaker. Besides sporting an unusual name, the jazz-singer’s timbre of his voice and clear diction make everything he says memorable. I was going to say that’s an argument against online learning – but, of course, music can be downloaded and voice can carry over the Internet.

  2. I’ve heard Robin talk, but didn’t realize he was a jazz singer.

    Yes, even online there are quite a lot of talks. Semple Piggott Rochez used to have some free ones online, but I haven’t looked at their site lately.

  3. I didn’t know he was a jazz singer either. It was just a stab at a comparison.
    I’m also a keen fan of SPR. The law of evidence notes are brilliant, but only Part 1 is online. Mike Piggott, I think, defected in London from Holborn Law Tutors to BPP Bar School before shedding the traditional classroom image. All past students speak highly of his contract and sale of goods tuition.

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