New mini legal dictionary DE>EN>FR

At the Zeiser & Ress law bookshop near the Nuremberg law courts today, I found a small dictionary:

bq. Rechtsbegriffe deutsch – englisch – französisch
Prof. Dr. Dieter Krimphove
Die schnelle Übersetzungshilfe: deutsch-englisch-französiches Wörterbuch mit über 1.700 Begriffen aus den wichtigsten Rechtsgebieten. Auf der CD-ROM: alle Begriffe alphabetisch sortiert nach englischen und französischen Wörtern, plus Rechtsbegriffe im lateinischen Original.
ISBN 3-448-05636-7,
Preis: EUR 9.90

It looked good in parts, with some definitions in the German and some remarks on usage in the English. I nearly bought one, just out of curiosity, but then I saw that page 88 and page 96 were identical, and contents of the real page 88 was missing. That was in more than one copy, so if you’re interested, watch out.

Word seems to have got out that lawyers are not prepared to pay money for a more comprehensive (and useful) law dictionary, so this follows Köbler’s Rechtsenglisch and Lister/Veth Taschenwörterbuch Recht.

I found a photograph of Professor Dieter Krimphove (who has written three other taschenguides). I’m not sure that it was taken with a digital camera. Here’s a better one.

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