A new issue of the German Law Journal is online.
They are publishing to a larger audience free of charge and would like to continue to do so. They would be interested in advice on potential funders.
I will paste the table of contents:
German Law Journal
Vol. 4 No. 11 (1 November 2003)
Table of Contents
Public Law
Religious Tolerance, Pluralist Society and the Neutrality of the State: The
Federal Constitutional Courts Decision in the Headscarf Case, by Matthias
Procedural Fairness in a Militant Democracy: The Uprising of the De-cent
Fails Before the Federal Constitutional Court, by Thilo Rensmann
Private Law
An Economic Analysis of Consumer Protection in Contract Law, by Stefan Haupt
European & International Law
The extradition of nationals: Comments on the extradition request for
Fujimori, by Arnd Düker
Review Essay Bruno de Wittes Ten Reflections on a Constitutional Treaty
for Europe, by Alicja Magdalena Herbowska and Carlos Hernández Ferreiro
Legal Culture
Article Californias Holocaust Victim Insurance Relief Act and American
Preemption Doctrine, by Libby Adler
Book Review – Reflections on the Influences of German Administrative Law on
the Concept of Reasonableness in South African Law – a review of
Un-reasonableness as a Ground of Judicial Review in South Africa
Consti-tutional Challenges for South Africas Administrative Law, by Geo
Book Review – Christina Möller, Völkerstrafrecht und Internationaler
Strafgerichtshof kriminologische, straftheoretische und rechtspoliti-sche
Aspekte, by Christian Maierhöfer
Book Review Stefan Griller (ed.), International Economic Governance and
Non-Economic Concerns: New Challenges for the International Legal Order, by
Tristan Baumé
Dear Mrs Marks,
thank you very much for this initiative. I was not aware of this before. Did you, if I may ask, receive feedback for this posting, also with regard to the introductory remark,
sincerely Yours
Co-Editor in Chief, German Law Journal
University of Frankfurt