Manz Verlag has recently published a book (in German) in which Austrian lawyers write about their favourite meals and give their favourite recipes.
Title: Wenn’s Recht kocht, by Rainer. MANZ 2003. 140 Seiten. Geb.
EUR 19,90, ISBN 3-214-07078-9
Surely there is an opening here for U.S., British and German lawyers? Well, needless to say someone got there first (well, in 2003 too):
bq. May It Please the Palate…the first ever statewide Bench and Bar cookbook. These beautiful books contain over 570 recipes from members of the legal profession around the state. They make wonderful gifts for your staff, your clients and yourself. Not only will you be giving a quality cookbook, but proceeds from the book will help fund Alabama’s Volunteer Lawyers Programs, which work to provide access to justice for Alabama’s poorest citizens.
To Order: Click here to print your order form.
Complete the information requested and mail it with your check made payable to the VLP, to
Alabama State Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program
P.O. Box 671
Montgomery, Alabama 36101.
They also give some addresses where you can pick up the book in person.
And in 2002, Justice is Served was published.
More famous is the Legal Seafoods Cookbook (restaurant motto: ‘If it isn’t fresh, it isn’t Legal!’), but I’m not sure that qualifies.
LATER NOTE: In a comment, Rainer Langenhan of Handakte WebLAWg directs my attention to a German lawyers’ cookbook, dated 2002 (first appeared in 1999): Anwaltsgerichte. Anwaltsgerichte, like Schnellgerichte, is another of those words with two meanings. How could I have missed this gem? I don’t think I will rush to buy any of these, however.
“Anwaltsgerichte”, erhältlich bei RAK Koblenz für 5 EUR, ;-)
Vielen Dank!