Küblböck-Unfall-Gurken bei E-Bay zu ersteigern/Pickled cucumbers from accident sold on E-Bay

The Sueddeutsche Zeitung reports that some people on E-Bay are selling jars of pickled cucumbers allegedly from the accident where a lorry loaded with pickled cucumbers was the victim of Küblböck’s bad driving (he hasn’t taken his test yet).

Some of the photos are convincing, showing the scene of the accident. Or rather one picture, which has presumably been ‘borrowed’ from the original source.

Apparently they were Specht Prager Gurken pickled cucumbers. Or else Develey, if you believe the minority. Actually, they are one firm now, so both are probably right.


To quote the Süddeutsche:

bq. Nach Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft Landshut müssen die Gurken-Jäger, die das Gemüse an der Unfallstelle aufgesammelt haben, nicht mit einer Strafe rechnen. Die Gurken seien durch den Frost als Nahrungsmittel unbrauchbar geworden und damit wertlos, erklärte Oberstaatsanwalt Alfons Obermeier. Der Vorgang werde zwar geprüft, ein förmliches Ermittlungsverfahren sei aber wohl nicht zu erwarten.

bq. According to the Landshut public prosecutor’s office, the pickle poachers who collected the jars from the accident are not going to be charged. The pickled cucumbers are no longer edible as a result of the frost and so they are worthless, said the Chief Public Prosecutor Alfons Obermeier. The events will be looked into, but it seems unlikely that there will be formal criminal investigation proceedings.

Other cucumbers for sale on E-Bay in Germany include weiße Gurken – white cucumber seeds. Apparently white cucumbers were quite the rage in the Austro-Hungarian empire.

7 thoughts on “Küblböck-Unfall-Gurken bei E-Bay zu ersteigern/Pickled cucumbers from accident sold on E-Bay

  1. There are no fewer than 107 e-Bayers currently selling these things Margaret. There must have been a lot of bystanders…….


  2. What have we done to deserve this?

    Hilariously though, the truck driver attracted Kuebelboeck’s fullest hatred by adressing him “Come on girl, I’ll get you out of there, don’t worry!”. And upon the touchy reply “I’m not a girl, I’m Daniel Kuebelboeck, don’t you know that?!”, the driver said “Yeh, it’s carnival, and you ARE Daniel for sure.”

    The word clusterings in those ebay descriptions are really interesting…

  3. @mademoiselle a: I obviously haven’t read enough papers!
    Matching t-shirts – you don’t mean t-shirts with Küblböck-Unfallgurken on them?

  4. yes yes :) They’re listed on ebay, same category [e.g. item #3277690944] as the pickles – that’s actually why I came across it. I searched for ‘Gurken’, and eBay came up with all the offers around the crash. By now, they’re offering a newspaper clip collection, too.

  5. Oh, new models. I meant “Daniel steht drauf. *picture of pickled cucumbers* Ich auch!!”

    The market is in full bloom it seems.

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