On the legaltranslators mailing list at www.yahoogroups.com, the site www.tradulex.org was mentioned for a set of articles on legal translation from Hieronymus, the journal of the Swiss translators’ association ASTTI (thanks, Jacek!). The ASTTI site has German, French and Italian, but the English and Rumantsch links don’t work (yet). There are links to the articles here too, but they aren’t working at the moment either.
I actually had this Hieronymus, because I subscribed for a year. I think I had to put some Swiss notes in an envelope eventually, because they gave no bank account, only a post office account for payment. The journla is in German, French, Italian and some English.
At the moment, the tradulex site (which has other materials for translators on it) is not behaving well, so I won’t quote. There is a long article by Barbara J. Beveridge: ‘Legal English – How it developed and why it is not appropriate for International Commercial Contracts’ that contains a lot of useful minutiae. And there is an article in German by Suzanne Ballansat-Aebi on prepositions in English legal texts.
Artikel, mehrsprachig, zu juristische Übersetzung aus Hieronymus, der Zeitschrift der schweizerischen Übersetzervereinigung.
Ein Artikel von Suzanne Ballansat-Aebi auf Deutsch über Präpositionen in englischen Rechtstexten könnte interessant sein.