Heise Online berichtet von zwei “Volltextübersetzern”.
Danke an Rainer Langenhan von Handakte WebLAWg für den Tipp.
Machine translation systems are being presented at the CeBIT trade fair.
bq. Der St. Petersburger Übersetzungsspezialist Promt (Halle 6, Stand G39) und die Münchner Firma Linguatec (Halle 3, Stand E55) stellen auf der CeBIT neue Versionen ihrer jeweiligen Übersetzungssoftware vor.
bq. The St. Petersburg translation specialist Promt and the Munich firm Linguatec are presenting new versions of their translation software at CeBIT.
Promt’s onsite English is hard to understand:
bq. We offer to visit PROMT Download Center to try and buy @promt translation software
On the pt mailing list at Yahoo Groups, Victor Dewsbery used Promt to translate Promt’s own sentence:
bq. Original: Ab der Office-Version aufwärts enthalten die Übersetzer Spezialwörterbücher zu den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Recht und Computer.
Translation: From the office version upward the translators Spezialwörterbücher contain economy, right and computer to the areas.
Victor also linked to an English-language publication on machine translation (supplement to: MultiLingual Computing & Technology)
Victor Dewsbury (pt Mailingliste, Yahoo Groups) zitiert einen englischen Artikel zu MT. Unter anderem wird dort das Problem erwähnt: wer MÜ benutzt, um einen oberflächlichen Eindruck vom Inhalt eines Textes zu bekommen, muss eigentlich wissen, mit welcher Sprache er es zu tun hat.
An article by Reinhard Schäler in Ireland (Localisation Research Centre, University of Limerick) states:
bq. We are told that MT is most successfully being used not by language professionals, but by uninitiated office workers who just want to get the gist of a document that has been sent to them in a language they do not understand.
When it transpires that they are not even able to determine the language that the original document was written in and therefore they pick the wrong MT engine, it does not raise a red flag in our mind but, rather surprisingly,
just causes the expert and his audience to pity the poor simple-minded user.
The article is titled ‘A New Dawn for Machine Translation?’ but concludes with a query as to whether the red light we see is not the sunset.
Victor Dewsbery’s website (see above for link) has numerous resources for translators.
Victor Dewsbery is ein britischer Übersetzer in Berlin. Seine Website (Link siehe oben) enthält mehrere nützliche Dateien für Übersetzer.