With Easter approaching, I was drawn to a church: St. Laurence (Lorenz) in Nuremberg. It was really my new fisheye adapter that made the decision. I think I need to visit some more churches.
They seem to be collecting for the organ. This can be seen on the church’s website. The acoustics are so difficult that they need three organs. I had heard of healthshop infusions such as Blasentee (bladder tea), Hustentee (cough tea) and Magentee (stomach tea) – see this chemist, for example – but not Orgeltee (organ tea). I didn’t check the ingredients. It’s probably black tea.
There is also a birthday present for the person who has everything: a pipe on the organ, engraved with the giver’s or receiver’s name. It doesn’t take up any space, because it stays in the organ, and it also has the benefit of anonymity because I suppose nobody ever sees it.