Große Dateien (bis zu 1 GB) können kostenlos versendet werden über Yousendit.
You can use Yousendit to send files up to 1 GB in size, free of charge. Files are checked for viruses. Yousendit have a more ambitious system that they charge for.
Handakte WebLAWg, via law blog points out that as the files remain online for 7 days, you could use it as a temporary backup, in the knowledge that your backup of a sensitive document will be deleted soon. The file could be encrypted and you could download it from another computer if you needed to. is an interesting site for freelancers in Germany for many other reasons. It offers online information and courses on the professional use of the Internet and IT in firms, business, startups and more (‘Softskills’???)
bq. startete 1996 mit Themen rund um die professionelle Nutzung von Internet und IT in Unternehmen. Später kamen die Themen Business, Existenzgründung und Softskills hinzu. Diese Themen werden derzeit ausgebaut. Zugleich wird der Themenkreis erweitert.