Ein Artikel von Carolina Villegas bei TransDirectory listet auf, wie freiberufliche Übersetzer ihr Büro nach Feng-Shui Prinzipien einrichten können.
On the TranslationDirectory site (see entry here yesterday) there is an article by Carolina Villegas on Feng Shui for the Freelance Translator, with a number of links to other sites. I will go through the points raised here as a kind of meme. How far is my office from the principles of feng shui?
1. Yes, my office is near the front of the flat, fairly close to the door. But I try to avoid receiving clients in my home office.
2. My desk is half-facing the entrance. I dont think too many surprises will come through that door without the doorbell being rung first, though. Two kittens did once come through the window, but thats on the other side.
3. I have still got the keyboard and mouse that came with this computer. Bad of me. Still, I’ve often had different ones in the past. But there is no glare from the monitor.
4. Keep your workspace clean and clutter-free.’ Hmm. ‘Keep the cords to your office equipment well hidden.’ Double hmm.
5. Lighting isnt too bad.
6. Directions. I suppose my office does face south. The windows are on the north though. The desk is NW. That seems wrong. I dont allow fresh flowers in. Nor plants on the desk they wouldnt like it. I have no crystals either. Have I got to have crystals? The art in the room has no mountains on it at all. No wild animals either. I have three dogs, two naked women, an ink blot, and Sigmund Freud with a white rabbit on the couch.
7. No crystals either.
8. Dont sleep in the same room where your computer is. Well, this isnt my bedroom, but sometimes the work is conducive to microsleeps at the very least.
9. Plants in the office yes, I have got a cactus. The others had to go. Have I got views of harmful elements from my window? I suspect a building site is a harmful element. Not sure that I will hang wind chimes though. Another sharp-leafed plant or two would be conceivable though. But Im always worried about this (see bottom two pictures).
Caused some amusement here. 1.A water feature on the north would mean people coming through the door would have to step over a stream. 2.I offered to knit cable covers for my colleagues – offer refused. 3.No wild animals- hmmm, I work with Dragon, Lion and a mouse. 4. A book I have on Feng Shui recommends sunglasses to cut out computer glare – I tried it once and could not see the computer screen. What with that and the wing mirrors to observe who is coming in to the room I think I need a steering wheel and not a keyboard!
I’m excited to read that if I clear up some of this mess, wealth and prosperity can be mine.
>>4. Keep your workspace clean and clutter-free. Hmm. Keep the cords to your office equipment well hidden. Double hmm.
Wind chimes scare the hell out of Spanish pigeons. Sounds pretty spiritual to me.