Aktenvermerk interessiert sich unter anderem für Fachsprache (ein Euphemismus?):
bq. Bezugnehmend auf unser Gespräch übernehmen Sie den Verkauf der Liegenschaft und ich erlaube mir folgende Punktationen festzuhalten:
The new Austrian weblog Aktenvermerk (meaning something like a memorandum entered in a file) looks very promising. It has some excellent examples of legalese.
(Über/via Juristisches und Sonstiges)
Thank you for your kind words, Margaret :-)
Of course I’m also interested in “Fachsprache” per se, but the quotes I cited are just (to me: funny, and from a legal point of view just plain wrong) examples of use by non-lawywers that I happened to stumble across.
You know the adage about a little bit of knowledge…
What a surprise, Ingmar. I didn’t recognize you! Your profile is very slim.
I should think there are a few examples of misuse out there even by real lawyers.