Gespanschaft (Kroatien): deutsche Erklärung in der Wikipedia.
I knew that Bosnia has cantons, but I didn’t know that Croatia has Gespanschaften.
Gespanschaft was originally a German term for a regional administrative unit in Hungary (which included what is now Croatia) during the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also known as Komitat. The head was a Gespan (Hungarian ispan), usually translated as Graf / Count. In Croatian the term for Gespanschaft is upanija and that for Gespan is upan. (I suppose this is not directly relevant to the pig breeder Zsupán in Der Zigeunerbaron).
It seems logical but somehow disappointing that these districts translate into English as counties.
Blackwood uses “comitat” in 1849, if that’s any comfort. “The Comitat of Surrey” has a certain ring to it.
That’s definitely a consolation. It says it’s only for Hungary, mind you.