An exciting new weblog in English on Spanish affairs,, has been launched by famous persons in Barcelona and thereabouts. Anyone who can write about Spanish football should contact them. Looking at the list of writers – and there are a number, and the site is full of information – I see Trevor is more of an impresario now. My favourite bit so far is the article ‘Pujol holiday home is tremor epicentre’, by ‘Barcelona-based geographer Derek Geary’.
Sadly, another legal weblog I liked has stopped – LATER NOTE: No it hasn’t – see comment: The Blogbook. However, the reason for its demise is that the (main) author, David Maizenberg, has a new job, and he may, and I hope will, blog again at a later date. In commemoration, if you haven’t done so before, test your vocabulary against that of Judge Selya of the First Circuit.
Meanwhile, another new law blog in Germany. mein blawg – via Udo – is the work of a judge or public prosecutor
bq. Blogs lesen macht Spass. Mein Einstiegs-Blog war Udos lawblog – sehr unterhaltsam – und von dort aus habe ich viele juristische Blogs kennen gelernt.
bq. Es gibt viele Blogs von Rechtsanwälten, Referendaren, Studenten, Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern usw. Von Richtern oder Staatsanwälten habe ich noch keinen Blog gefunden und oft sind die Angestellten der Justiz eher die Zielscheibe der Postings. Meistens völlig zu recht!
bq. Vielleicht kann ich ja ein paar Aspekte von der “anderen Seite” beitragen.
To quote Andrew Zangrilli, from whose Blogbook post I took this list:Do you have a good vocabulary? Prove it, smarty. Test your knowledge against the vocab champ, Judge Selya of the First Circuit. The following word list was gathered from…
Thanks for the plug. I guess with blogs and most other new things many drop out after a while and others consolidate to give punters more variety than they got from a solitary loon like myself, wailing in the night.
To quote Andrew Zangrilli, from whose Blogbook post I took this list:Do you have a good vocabulary? Prove it, smarty. Test your knowledge against the vocab champ, Judge Selya of the First Circuit. The following word list was gathered from…
Hi Margaret,
Don’t be sad. Despite the amicable departure of David Maizenberg, we at the Blogbook are still going strong.
Andrew Zangrill
Sorry about that, Andy, and relieved to hear it. Actually I was misled by an article in HandAkte WebLAWg, all in German – I have written a comment to correct that entry.
The weblog phenomenon has really taken off. Over the past year, the B-word has become entrenched in our vernacular: “I have tried blogging with my blender, my microwave, and even my playstation and I get nothing.” Bravo! Now that everybody’s…