Chief Justice William Rehnquist wurde Samstag wegen Schilddrüsenkrebs operiert. Er soll am 1. November wieder im Gericht sein. Es wird natürlich besprochen, wie es angesichts der kommenden Wahl um einen eventuellen Nachfolger bestellt werden könnte.
bq. Rehnquist Hospitalized for Treatment of Thyroid Cancer
(Tony Mauro, Legal Times, 10-25-2004)
bq. Chief Justice William Rehnquist expects to be on the bench when the Supreme Court convenes again Nov. 1, in spite of surgery on Saturday in connection with a recently diagnosed case of thyroid cancer.
bq. The surprise announcement of Rehnquist’s illness and surgery came just before noon today, and raised in a concrete way an issue that has been an abstraction during the presidential campaign: the possibility of a departure from the Supreme Court in the near future.
LATER NOTE: Q & A on the situation at SCOTUSBlog; also report of illness.