The website has been blocked to visitors from outside the US, according to BBC News:
bq. The international exclusion zone around was spotted by net monitoring firm Netcraft which keeps an eye on traffic patterns across many
different sites. …
bq. Readers of the Boingboing [sic] weblog also found that viewers could get at the site by using alternative forms of the George W Bush domain name.
I spent part of yesterday with a friend who’s in the process of voting by post, having received the papers fairly late, and I imagine she can’t see it either. However, I suspect she already knows how she’s going to vote.
Boing Boing goes into details as to how it’s done (the entry is updated with readers’ comments integrated). I’m always curious about Internet exclusion zones or sites that treat me as a German even when I’m researching something English or international.
Boing boing also reports a special Dremel tool for pumpkin carving.
So gehts dann doch:
Brilliant! Vielen Dank (Ihr Name kommt mir immer schottisch vor).
In an update to this post. Still Blocked. Accessible via Unipeak (Random other links: Peking Duck | Brain Dump | Library Autonomous Zone | Actioncontents | Joi Ito | The Taipei Kid | Transblawg | BenBlog)…