Dresden revisited

On Thursday, I showed a picture of Bild asking whether the Queen is going to apologize about Dresden when she comes to Germany tomorrow.

An inserted picture of enemy planes was headed ‘War bombs over Dresden’, but BILDblog, quoting Tagesspiegel, says this actually shows American bombers over Normandy. The British bombed Dresden at night, and this is a daylight shot.

Meanwhile, the Fürther / Nürnberger Nachrichten on Saturday had an article by Henrik Bebber about the British papers claiming Germany wanted the Queen to apologize about Dresden. There was no mention that Bild started this. But I think it did, didn’t it? I mean, the Sun et al are far from innocent in German-bashing, and they probably do more than German papers do against the British, but Bild knew that and was provoking it this time round.

LATER NOTE: I was wrong again here – see comments.

2 thoughts on “Dresden revisited

  1. I never imagined that I would ever write anything like this:

    For a change it doesn’t seem to be Bild. This seems to be the original article:


    The date fits (28/Oct was Thu) and it looks like the Daily Mail was there first and Bild only reacted to it. From what I gather the British papers were claiming that German “diplomatic circles” (whatever that is) were asking for an apology, something the palace denies as far as I know.

    If that’s true I wonder if they will apologise for it ;-)

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