Maybe I can cut down the work on this site and just concentrate on publicizing translation weblogs.
I have long since stopped listing new German law weblogs, and I am afraid many of those I read via their newsfeeds must be offended that I don’t blogroll them, but there are two excellent resources for keeping up with them: Rainer Langenhan’s collective feed ‘German Blawgs’ – the latest OPML file has 73 blogs, and it can be entered into a feed reader very easily. The other possibility is to follow Matthias Klappenbach’s JuraBlogs, which presents feeds of more or less the same collection.
A new Spanish translation blog by Carlos Ferrero Martín, Las palabras son pistolas cargadas (many thanks for the kind words – maybe legal translation seems very distant, but at the moment I am struggling with a translation relating to the Three Holy Host-Wafers – Die Heiligen Drei Hostien), links to a slightly older one, Translation Resources, by María Cristina-Argentina in Buenos Aires – am not sure if the ‘Argentina’ is part of her name or not.
It also mentions a Spanish technical writers’ weblog with a translation interest, Spanish techies by Mario Chávez, a translator (his name is familiar to me from somewhere – FLEFO?).
Clicking on traducción or translation in these Blogspot bloggers’ profiles brings up a list of more bloggers with the same interest, but I have decided to stop for now.