If you want to comment and get a message preventing you from posting, please let me know by email – email is info@ plus my website address.
I’ve been deleting thousands of spam pings, and in the process I think I accidentally deleted some comments, and the URLs went into MT-Blacklist, which I use for blocking spam.
Wenn Ihr Kommentar nicht erlaubt wird, bitte lassen Sie mich es per E-Mail wissen (info@ plus URL).
Es kann sein, dass ich aus Versehen die Adressen meiner häufigsten Kommentatoren in die MT-Blacklist-Liste aufgenommen habe, die ich gegen Spam benutze.
It was interesting to see how you cleverly tricked the spambots by disguising your email address in this statement.
If you want to comment and get a message preventing you from posting, please let me know by email – email is info@ plus my website address
I probably would have foolishly suggested that email can be sent to the address here. ;-)