I hope comments can be posted again now. It appears that words beginning with g, or even containing g, were banned.
Ich habe jetzt die Blacklist gelöscht und neu erstellt. Hoffentlich ist alles in Ordnung. Anscheinend war der Buchstabe g gesperrt.
I hope comments can be posted again now. It appears that words beginning with g, or even containing g, were banned.
Ich habe jetzt die Blacklist gelöscht und neu erstellt. Hoffentlich ist alles in Ordnung. Anscheinend war der Buchstabe g gesperrt.
Just testing! I’ll try again: Congratulations!
Good Margaret ….- it was the “gare” in your name it didn’t like. What a useless function… The same as “parental control” software stopping those with an ornithological bent viewing interesting pictures of “tits”.
David: Thanks.
Paul: Thanks. Useless function? You see it permits ‘tits’. No, the problem is that when I was deleting and blocking spam from particular addresses, I myself obviously entered this ‘g’. The Blacklist only blocks what I want it to, which includes thousands of ads for online poker.
>>The Blacklist only blocks what I want it to, which includes thousands of ads for online poker.