Deutsche Bahn greets Pope in Latin/Lateinischer Gruß der DB

Via Andere Ansicht: Deutsche Bahn AG says (or said on August 15):

bq. (Berolini, die 15° m. Aug. a. 2005) Ex die 15° ad diem 21um m. Aug. tota regio Rhenensis nulla alia in re nisi in Conventu Mondiali Iuventutis celebrando
occupata erit. Illuc complura centena milia iuvenum fidei catholicae
addictorum ex toto orbe terrarum advenient, quippe quos Summus Pontifex
vocaverit iam XXum ad Conventum; cuius est initium Missae die 16° m. Aug.
tenendae Dusseldorpii Bonnae Coloniae Agrippinae, qua in urbe Summus
Pontifex Benedictus XVIus ex die 18° ad diem 21um m. Aug. morabitur.
Auctores exspectant, ut plus quam novies centena milia hominum in campo
Mariae in pago inter Rhenum Erftumque fluvios sito Conventum Missa
communi die 21o m. Aug. concludant.

Did the Romans ever make it to Dusseldorp?

Thank heavens, there’s still some German at the top of the page: ‘Mobility Networks Logistics’.

3 thoughts on “Deutsche Bahn greets Pope in Latin/Lateinischer Gruß der DB

  1. It goes somewhat beyond the grasp of my O-level Latin 40 years ago Margaret. Any idea what it reveals?


  2. How nice of you to ask that, Paul. Only vaguely, of course. From 15th to 21st August the whole Rhineland region will be celebrating World Youth Day (and nothing else).
    Hundreds of thousands of Catholic addicts (ha ha) will be coming from all over the world. … hmm …. the first Mass is on August 16th … Düsseldorf Bonn and Cologne, where the pontifex will be staying from 18th to 21st August.
    The organizers (?) expect that more than 900,000 people …will conclude the … between the rivers Rhine and Erft.
    Didn’t get ‘tenendae’, but there must be a Latin dictionary on the Web. But anyway the Bahn apparently has it in German too, as you may have noticed. Here is the Spiegel plus link to translation:

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