The World Wide Words newsletter, whose RSS feed I read, has chosen the term extraordinary rendition to comment on.
In US law rendition refers to the transfer of individuals by what is called extra-judicial process (kidnapping, in plain speech) from a foreign country to the USA to answer criminal charges. The defendant is said to have been rendered up to justice.
A problem for the security forces is that once brought to the USA the person is subject to US law and the rules of due process, which of course excludes torture. Hence extraordinary rendition, a euphemism for taking them to a country where these rules do not apply.
From the Independent, 1 Jul. 2005: One week ago a judge in Milan signed warrants for the arrest of 13 of the agents, which has thrown covert CIA activities outside the US under the spotlight and drawn attention to the increasingly common practice of so-called extraordinary rendition, by which the US seizes terror suspects and removes them to countries known for their use of torture.
Außergewöhnliche Auslieferung, I suppose. Here’s a German article of June 2005 using that term:
Italien: Erstmals geht Justiz in Europa gegen US-Praktiken des Kidnappings Verdächtiger vor. Klarnamen von Geheimdienstagenten an Mailänder Konsulat aufgedeckt
The terms Kidnapping and Verschleppung seem to be more common. See
For rendition, Romain has ‘Überstellung von Straftätern (ohne förmliche Auslieferung)’.
Wikipedia has something about it too.
I particularly like the WWW article on “mondegreens” ….
I hadn’t looked at that – yes, good. Tom Snow used to mention mondegreens regularly. WWW doesn’t mention that there is a website with a huge collection of misheard lyrics – this may be it.
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