Carol Bennett’s Dictionary of Insurance has come out in the second edition (first edition was 1992).
This was recommended on the LIFT mailing list (ITI legal and financial translators). Apparently Witherby’s Insurance Dictionary (1997, still available from the publisher) is the standard.
I don’t like to be fussy, and the dictionary is scarcely less worth having for it, but I had to read Bennett on the tube to Nuremberg as the Fürther Nachrichten machine had iced up, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many typos and errors in cross-referencing in five minutes except in my own materials for students. What is the editor doing?
The required minimum margin entry referred to FSA (qv). But there is no entry for FSA, only for Financial Services Authority (FSA). Adventure had a cross-reference to marine adventure, but the entry was on maritime adventure. Then my eye was caught by Marital law at the top of the page, but the reference was really to Martial law.
This should not be interpreted as meaning that I spend all my time looking for mistakes.
Out with it: you think it’s because he’s called Carol, don’t you?
I suppose now that he’s no longer got the Pope to support him, he’s easy game.