I take the liberty of reposting an entry from IPKAT, the trademark blog:
bq. Translations into English
IPKat co-blogmeister Jeremy is looking for a bit of assistance from someone who can translate trade mark cases from Spanish to English with a view to reporting them in the European Trade Mark Reports. Ideally the translator should be a native English-speaker. There is some remuneration, but it is not at all generous. Some occasional help is also needed with German trade mark and copyright cases, also for a relative pittance.
The real rewards are (i) the satisfaction of seeing one’s work in print and (ii) being able to put on your CV the fact that you’ve translated cases for the ETMR and its sister publication the European Copyright and Design Reports. If you’re interested in having a go, email Jeremy here.
The authors of IPKAT are always anxious to obtain the latest decisions in English and often comment on the time it takes to get hold of a translation.