Do I need an MP3 player?
bq. The Pope has joined the Queen, George Bush and millions of others by getting himself an iPod.
Pope Benedict XVI was given a white, 2GB iPod nano by a group of Vatican Radio employees on Friday at an event to celebrate the station’s 75th anniversary.
They had pre-loaded it with some of the station’s programmes in English, his native German and Italian, and some tunes. Staff are presumably hoping that the Pope will be able to use his new gadget to keep up to date with Vatican Radio’s podcast for all the latest Vatican news and gossip.
From the Guardian. Commenters are invited to suggest more music for him to have on it.
mmmhhh… I’m fighting the temptation to comment on this ;-)
He definitely needs the song written for him by a Bavarian couple, accompanied by the zither. They are going to Rome to sing it to him anyway. The Berliner Zeitung even has the text:
Edel, nobel, frei und gut
ist dein bayrisch Herz und Blut.
Edel, nobel, frei im Geist,
wo der Weg zum Himmel weist.
Wir sind entzückt, wir sind beglückt –
heiliger Vater Benedikt.
Wir sind entzückt, wir sind beglückt –
heiliger Vater Benedikt.
Zeig uns den Weg zum richtigen Pfad,
gib uns auf Erden den richtigen Rat.
Aufrecht, standhaft durch die Nacht,
bist berufen für die Wacht.
Aufrecht, standhaft für die Welt,
ist dein Ziel, das dich beseelt.
Du kennst die Pforte zu Vater und Sohn.
Du bist der Mittler zum himmlischen Thron.
Liebe, Wahrheit, Freud und Kraft
im Gebet, das Einheit schafft.
Liebe, Wahrheit stets im Sinn,
streb mit uns zum Himmel hin.
Der Spiegel has more, including a link to at least one other pope song.
Well I think iPods are one of the greatest inventions of all time. I can carry my entire CD collection (over 5000 tracks) wherever I go. I have a Belkin TuneStage to hook it up to my (or indeed anyone’s) hifi system by Bluetooth … superb – but I don’t walk around with headphones in looking as if I am communicatig with the mother ship. I’d be afraid of walking into walls….
Can you compare an iPod with its pale imitations?
>>Can you compare an iPod with its pale imitations?