Vor einigen Jahren hat die berühmte Sun aufgerufen, gegen Pädophile vorzugehen. Leider spürte eine Kinderärztin (Englisch “paediatrician”) die Auswirkungen dieser Kampagne – die Geschichte wurde allerdings so oft erzählt, dass die Details unklar sind.
In connection with the recent removal of details of sex offenders from the Internet in the USA, I was trying to remember the story of the paediatrician whom Latin-challenged British persons persecuted. No wonder I couldn’t remember the story – it’s suffered the urban legend treatment. The BBC puts the record straight:
bq. In August 2000, a female paediatrician consultant called Yvette Cloete was indeed labelled a “paedo” after a campaign by the News of the World to name and shame paedophiles in the community.
bq. The incident took place in Newport, Gwent, not in Portsmouth (where there had been anti-paedophile protests after eight-year-old Sarah Payne was murdered) or London.
bq. Dr Cloete returned from work at the Royal Gwent Hospital to find “paedo” spray-painted on her front door. Local police believe the graffiti was written by someone who confused her job title with the word paedophile.
bq. It was no doubt a very distressing incident for Ms Cloete, who decided to move home shortly afterwards. But there is no evidence that a mob was involved or of any threats or incidents of physical pressure or violence.