In What About Clients?, Dan Hull discusses and links legal weblogs outside the USA.
He starts with the West and Asia; Latin America, Africa and the Middle East are next. Most are in the English language. Some are new to me (but Austria is missing).
In What About Clients?, Dan Hull discusses and links legal weblogs outside the USA.
He starts with the West and Asia; Latin America, Africa and the Middle East are next. Most are in the English language. Some are new to me (but Austria is missing).
Margaret: Can you recommend some good Austrian legal blogs? In German or English–doesn’t matter. Dan Hull
Funny you should ask that, Dan!
I have linked two very good ones: Aktenvermerk by Ingmar Greil and Juristisches und Sonstiges by Michael Kadlicz. Both in German. There may be one or two other Austrian blawgs, but I don’t know them.
You do have a very full list. I see you have the Portuguese ones. You probably know this page.
Thank you, Margaret. We’ll look at these and any others of any country you have to offer. Dan
I haven’t linked many legal weblogs – most of the weblogs I linked were language weblogs. But if you click on the category ‘Weblogs’ under this entry, you can see all the entries about weblogs I ever made. Maybe some of the very early ones are law ones.
Dan, I have recently written a short article about the “State of the Austrian Blawgosphere” on my blog. Bottom line: Martin’s “Juristisches und Sonstiges” and my “Aktenvermerk” are the only regularly updated legal blogs in Austria.
It’s happend again, I confused Martin and Michael. His name is, of course, Michael Kadlicz.
Never mind Ingmar, I’m getting used to it… ;-)