Wer einen im Juni veröffentlichten Blog-Beitrag in irgendeine oder aus irgendeiner Sprache übersetzen will, kann dies tun, im eigenen Blog veröffentlichen und Chris davon in Kenntnis setzen (sie kann auch sehr gut deutsch!). Details auf Englisch und Französisch hier.
Chris reminds me of Blog Translation Carnival, which I mentioned in February but have shamefully not been following since. Post a translation of anyone’s blog entry in any direction on your own blog and notify Chris. I’m not sure what happens then.
Apparently this carnival is hosted by a different weblog each month. I have now discovered that you have to look on the blog in question on the given day (what day is that, Chris?). So the first one, on February 28, is here at Altalk Blog. The second is at Em Duas Línguas. The Bitter Scroll had the April one, and sauvage noble the one for May.
A hint is that the Carnival takes place at the end of a month, so you can look for May in June, and today’s invitation is to participate in the June carnival.