Weblog von einem Deutschen in der Schweiz.
Scarcely have I posted the entry on Swiss wrestling before I find a recommendation for a Weblog in German, describing Switzerland from a foreigner’s point of view. And it’s the second time I’ve seen bodigen today:
Diese Abstimmungen werden, das muss man für die ausserhalb der Schweiz lebenden Leser dazu erklären, sowieso in dem meisten Fällen mit nein gebodigt, d. h. auf den Boden geworfen und zu Fall gebracht, wie die im Schwinger-Jargon geübten Eidgenossen dies bezeichnen. Vor allem, wenn es um Geld geht, das ausgegeben werden soll.
The categories include Schweizerdeutsch (141 entries).
(Thanks to Peter Geyer on pt)
thanks for mentioning the blogwiese blog.
The word “bodigen” is explained in this german posting, too:
Have fun, hope the German is not to hard to understand.
The blog looks very useful – I will be back. We often have to interpret Swiss German, especially Swiss legal German, so I have a few books collected over the years. There is a Swiss criminal law blog on my blogroll, strafprozess…. There’s also a Swiss translators’ mailing list, but there seem to be scarcely any Swiss people answering questions there.
Is this picture taken from the inside of your car Margaret? More to the point, are you making a delivery of supplies to this fine culinary establishment?
Well, Paul,perhaps the less I say the better…
This is taken through the side window of a large vehicle. You can just see at the bottom right the reflection of the word ‘SALOON’. That is some kind of ‘Country & Western Saloon’ or some such. The driver, a large man in a checked shirt if I remember right, disappeared in there.
>>perhaps the less I say the better…
Yes, I was thinking that myself, but I couldn’t resist posting it.
Urgh – are you looking to traumatise me further, Margaret?!!!
Is it not like that in Aarhus, David?
I was referring to my recent rat experience, of course. I don’t think I could stand being a passenger in that car.
Oh, sorry, I’d forgotten about that – but of course you won’t have.
>>I was referring to my recent rat experience,
David had a rat pop up out of the lavatory – probably just being friendly.