DORES, as I’ve mentioned before, stands for Dokumentation zu Recht und Sprache, a Swiss website that lists all the latest books on language and law. My attention was caught by these:
bq. Bernasconi, Michele / Wildhaber, Anne M. (Hrsg.) / Watter, Urs: Swiss Law Bibliography. English Language Materials on Swiss Law. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn 2005, 379 S..
Verzeichnet (1) englische Übersetzungen von Schweizer Erlassen, (2) englische Literatur über schweizerisches Recht, (3) Internetadressen mit englischsprachigem schweizerischem Recht und englischsprachiger Literatur zu schweizerischem Recht. – This looks great. It costs the equivalent of 50 euros, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately it may not be in any of the libraries close to me.
bq. Weimann, Holger / Leppert, Norbert / Höbermann, Frauke: Gerichtsreporter. Praxis der Berichterstattung Berlin: ZV Zeitungs-Verlag 2005, 344 S.. – a book for journalists on how to write about court cases.
bq. Pommer, Sieglinde: Rechtsübersetzung und Rechtsvergleichung. Translatorische Fragen zur Interdisziplinarität. Bern / Berlin / Frankfurt a. M. etc.: Lang 2006, 172 S.. – an academic text on translation. Could it be a doctoral thesis? Frau Pommer will be speaking at the ATA conference in November (on Vagueness in Legal Terminology, whether there is creativity in legal translation (I belong to the school that says there is!) and Teaching and Researching Legal Translation: What Input from Comparative Law? Sounds interesting.
Those are not all the interesting entries, either. You may have to register (free of charge), and then, if you see an interesting title, click on the + sign beside it to see more details.