Domestic violence/Gewalttätigkeit in der Familie

In English law, there is legislation on domestic violence (Oxford Law Dictionary: ‘Physical violence inflicted on a person by their husband, wife, or cohabitant’), for instance enabling a wife to get an order banning her husband from the matrimonial home. Romain suggests Gewalttätigkeiten im Familienbereich; Tätlichkeiten gegen Familienangehörige.

Die Welt has now summarized a report in The Times. This relates to a pilot database trying to identify potential murderers along the lines of Ian Huntley (although it doesn’t answer the question as to why he slipped through the nets of the current law, where it should not be possible for someone with his history to be employed as a school caretaker).
The Times:

The team is concentrating on reducing the risk of those with a history of domestic violence turning into murderers. About a quarter of murders are related to domestic violence.

Die Welt:

Dem Team gehe es insbesondere darum, das Kriminalitätsrisiko bei Menschen mit häuslicher Gewalterfahrung zu senken. Ein Viertel aller Mörder habe entsprechende Erfahrungen, schrieb die „Times“.

I am not too happy about the translation of a history of domestic violence as häusliche Gewalterfahrung.

(Via Handakte WebLAWg)

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