These are usually amazing, aren’t they? (I thought the exclamation mark after ‘Liebe Kundin…’ went out thirty years ago):
bq. Liebe Kundin, lieber Kunde!
Kunden, die sich für The Roses (Jumbo) von Pierre-Joseph Redoute interessierten, haben Vegetables (Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants) von Chittaranjan Kole bestellt. Daher möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass Vegetables (Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants) von Chittaranjan Kole soeben erschienen ist. Bestellen Sie jetzt Ihr Exemplar!
Vegetables (Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants) Vegetables (Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants)
Chittaranjan Kole
Preis: EUR 192,55
I’m sorry, amazon, I’d love to, but I haven’t got time (or money, in this case). It’s true I once translated a book on paintings of roses, but that was a different matter.
Maybe the Polyglot Vegetarian‘s mileage may vary. (new blog – thanks to languagehat)