Beck have sent me a flyer for
Becher: Wörterbuch Recht, Wirtschaft, Politik, von Herbert J. Becher, RA, unter Mitarbeit von Corinna Schlüter-Ellner und Beatriz Alfonso-Landgraf
I have to admit I have forgotten all my O-Level Spanish, but I am sure it must be a good thing with Corinna and Beatriz on board too (Of course, I don’t know Becher, but he has done previous editions).
The dictionary is advertised with the picture of a bull (but no torero or torera). There is an extract in the flyer and I see there is a little block defining Lebenspartnerschaft (civil partnership):
Die eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft ist nach deutschem Recht ausschließlich für homosexuelle Partner als Eheersatz gedacht. Lebensgemeinschaften nach ausländischem Recht, die auch oder nur für heterosexuelle Paare gedacht sind, sollte man nicht mit “Lebenspartnerschaft” übersetzen.
Without quibbling about the connotations of the term Eheersatz, let’s note that the term Lebenspartnerschaft did not appear in Romain / Byrd / Thielecke (2002) or Dietl-Lorenz (2005). It is in the Langenscheidt-Alpmann Kompaktwörterbuch Recht, but translated as partnership for life, which I suspect is simply derived from Lebenspartner, a term also found in the Cornelsen Wörterbuch Recht. Therefore the bilingual German-English law dictionaries are as innocent of this term as the Bavarian register offices (you have to go to a notary to get your substitute marriage). It’s been in the BGB since 2002, and it was known it would be for some time before that.