The German Times is the name of a newspaper launched on January 19th in Berlin:
“We want to accompany Europe’s coalescence, in that we are creating a medium from Germany for all of Europe,” says Editor in Chief Bruno Waltert.
Its circulation is 50,000 and it will be distributed to all 7265 members of the parliaments of the EUs 27 States, as well as national governments, members of the European Parliament, the EU Commission, and Europes prominent businessmen.
It has an English-language editor. And an ‘imprint’.
“It wants to help create a more solid European public”. I’m all for a more solid European public, it’s far too squidgy at the moment and could do with a bit more backbone.
But knowing – and sometimes even being rather fond of – Germany as I do, I can’t help thinking when I see “German Times” that there’s a lot to be said for changing the country in the old aphorism so that it reads “If the end of the world is nigh, I’ll move to Germany, because everything there is ten years behind the times.”
Yes, it reminded me of Deutsche Welle or those Lufthansa Bordbuch things with English opposite the German that make me feel as if I’d entered a kind of international vacuum. I’m not sure what your old aphorism was before the change, though.
I saw this alleged bladet from another source first, and concluded immediately that it was going nowhere. But at least it seems to be doing it slowly.
I consider “barrierefrei” and “barrier-free” to be unnecessary mumbo-jumbo. German has of course a perfectly suitable word for “accessible” and it can be qualified at will. Who dreams up these expressions?