Some years ago, searching for weblog + translation usually led to sites dealing with the translation of computer programs in computer languages. Now there are many more human-language translation weblogs and it’s hard to keep up with them.
Masked Translator, for example, is ‘A Web log about the translation industry and the profession of translating, brought to you by translators with a combined 25 years of professional freelance experience’.
This has been around for a couple of months. I particularly like a small collection of Absurd Comments on Literary Translation.
It links to Brave New Words, by Brett Jocelyn Epstein, ‘A blog about translation, language, literature, and other related topics’. This has been around for a year and has some interesting entries.
The programme is available as a podcast, in case you are interested: (here)
I listened to the beginning – she is speaking German.
Thanks, Bettina. I thought they must be speaking German, but it’s obvious she hasn’t heard the usual German meaning before. Well, he doesn’t just carry on – she says she hopes he isn’t a shooting star, because that means he would burn out, and he replies that he meant only the first half, the journey upwards.
Oder vielleicht die Etiketten doch anders rum? :-)