Germany’s Corporate and Financial Law 2007 PDF

Professor Ulrich Noack’s blog Unternehmensrechtliche Notizen has frequent and interesting posts. Today he posts a link to an English PDF file, intended to introduce people who don’t read German to the current situation in German corporate law (87 pages).

Germany’s Corporate and Financial Law 2007: (Getting) Ready for Competition

Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf – Faculty of Law – Center for Business & Corporate Law (CBC)
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf – Faculty of Law – Center for Business & Corporate Law (CBC) May 2007

It looks excellent. I wouldn’t mind it in German, but I suspect from the footnotes that the whole thing is designed for English speakers (I wish I could switch off the EFL teacher in my head).

8 thoughts on “Germany’s Corporate and Financial Law 2007 PDF

  1. Thank you, that’s a really interesting paper. As you may have heard, the Russian legal system before the revolution, as well as the Soviet version of civil law, borrowed quite a lot from the German version of the continental system. Our Ukrainian system has also had quite a lot of that legacy. THerefore, it is of particular interest for everybody interested in comparative law and legal translations to see how things evolve in Germany in the modern European context.

  2. My colleague Mr. Seidlitz introduced me to this blog and so this very interesting posting. It will significantly help in pursuing my project “The Legal Guide to Germany”!
    This portal aims to help citizens of other countries living in or coming to Germany in gaining an orientation toward their every day rights and responsibilities in Germany. The overall object of LG2G is to create a legal encyclopedia for the international community in English. Why? Integration is the name of the game. Successful be the integration otherwise it will be lose-lose situation for Germany and the newcoming foreigner. Too many non-Germans get too often into actually easily avoidable trouble had they only known

  3. Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Empfehlung, Margaret. Wenn Sie es fuer exzellent halten, dann kann man es ja guten Gewissens weiterempfehlen, ohne es sofort selbst lesen zu muessen.

  4. Alexander: thanks. There must be a number of broader introductions to law in Germany available online, I imagine. The big law firms may have them, or even accountancy firms like KPMG. Osborne Clarke had one a couple of years ago, but it had to be requested rather than downloaded. There may be an introduction to German law on, but possibly not quite up to date. But you may know that.
    Clemens: vielen Dank, dann muss ich aber sehr vorsichtig mit meinen Empfehlungen sein. Aber ich denke, auch das Weblog von Professor Noack k

  5. Well, I never translate into German professionally, but you’re right, it should be Gerechtigkeit.

    I haven’t actually heard the interpreter. I heard the English on the video, and I will see if I can find the German – it must be online as a video too.
    But if this was normal consecutive interpreting, even if the interpreter was given material in advance, which he or she might not have been, you can’t compare the results with a written translation (this is no excuse for dpa, of course). They listen to a large block of text, make a note of the structure on paper (but probably not in a situation like that here) and rely on their short-term memory for the rest. So I think Armutsbek

  6. Because without peace there can be no justice.

    of course it should be “gerechtigkeit”. and an interpreter has no business correcting that into “what is meant” if in the first part of the paragraph “armutsbekaempfung” is already mentioned (“poverty reduction”). pet peeve: interpreters who resort to busybody “corrective interpretations” instead of doing their job meticulously and decently.

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