Ausschnitt aus ARD Morgenmagazin: Kinder fragen Politiker zu ihren Computern. Mit erstaunlich schwachen Antworten.
Markus Trapp introduces a video clip (in German) from a German breakfast TV show, in which children interview German politicians on their computer use, and the politicians are not very well informed.
In Barcelona they didn’t like tramps sleeping in visible locations so they replaced all the old benches either with ones with armrests in the middle or with chairs placed just far enough away from each other that the old guys who worked in the textile mills can’t hear one another.
But they don’t describe it like that, do they? They say they’re nice modern benches.
What they originally had here were big round benches around trees, and in the evening there would be large numbers of mainly older Turks sitting around chatting. It made it very pleasant to walk through at night, unlike those empty concrete areas. I was told that a non-European shopkeeper was one of the main objectors – that might be the Armenian (?) carpet shop – and there were also some Turkish women with noisy children sitting around late at night. Now just one sittable tree surround has been added, but it’s so low it would be uncomfortable for older people. I think it would do my knees in getting up from it. But it’s really schizophrenic doing everything the shopkeepers say and then wanting the place to come to life again.
There are also a few beerdrinking types, but they tend to be round the corner. Photo another time.
I see one of my Google ads was for Streetlife, and if you click on Banken there, you briefly glimpse some Turks sitting on a bench. The round ones are called Rendezvous.
I liked the Oberb
FuZo is a new one on me (how about “PedPreece”?)
Is that Franconian or just a sign of the times?
Maybe we can look forward to “DoSchiFaGesK
Yes, the OB-Chat is good. Twice a year, and the next one in July is extra – a Jubil