Fürth pedestrian precinct / Fürth Fuzo

„Dekorative Gestaltung statt Optischer Lasten“ – Agenda 21 Fürth
Führung durch die Fußgängerzone am Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007 zwischen 18.00-19.30
Roland Loock, Fachlehrer für visuelles Marketing und Sabine Gauditz, Unternehmensberaterin, Visuelles Marketing (Arte Perfectum) zeigen, was wir eigentlich schon immer wussten: Entgegen kommerzieller Trends sind die Menschen letztlich doch Ästheten.

I recently found myself on this tour of the city centre. It was interesting to hear some problems discussed by people who had thought about these things in a wider context.

Some points made:

1. We all have everything, so shopping in the inner city should be fun and encourage you to shop (I think that’s why I like department stores, which we haven’t got, and bookshops, where you can look at things properly)

2. It needs more green, and running water (I was relieved they didn’t suggest turning the whole thing over to growing vegetables)

3. Note this non-convivial seating (cold to sit on, I am told, and btw with matching bike stands – in background – and tree guards, all with 70s-style bronze effect). My belief that the intention is for people not to sit down, especially in the evening, and not to converse in groups, seemed to be shared.


4. Places where people love shopping, like Wertheim Village, have fake historical architecture. Fürth has genuine historical architecture and should make the most of this. (I have a feeling there are more differences between Fürth and Wertheim Village, but let’s overlook that). Some shops have a projecting roof, no longer necessary, which blocks the view to the ornate façades. These ought to be removed. This is good (and they liked the colours):


Fielmann at the far left good, Backwerk and Vodaphone at the right bad. And the Vodaphone sign interferes with the architecture:


5. I had the feeling Vatan Kommunikation wasn’t really appreciated:


For more on the situation in the inner city, see the Oberbürgermeisterchat transcript on 15 May.

bq. Engel: Ich find nicht das in der FuZo viele schicke läden sind, es gibt vielleicht viel Bäcker, Händyläden und 1Euro läden und die guten Geschäfte kann man an einer Hand abzählen!!!
OB Jung: Wir können natürlich nicht mit der Maximilianstr. in München mithalten, aber spontan fallen mir Beispiele wie das neue street one oder die Schuhläden La Pelle und Wetsch ein. Auch Chocolate and More oder der Juwelier Weigmann, Bonakdar, Scherneck Lederwaren… sind chice Läden.
Handy-Geschäfte dominieren alle Fußgängerzonen in Deutschlan, da die einfach am meisten bezahlen.

The trouble with Scherneck – I bought a purse there recently and it was completely empty apart from the owner and two assistants. It felt like going onto a stage to be interviewed in public. I think I got out of the habit of personal service in England.

Next OB chat on July 24th at 6 p.m.

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