João Roque Dias announces a conference in Lisbon from 19 – 20 October 2007. Conference website Portuguese, English.
If you can’t get to the conference, don’t miss his website.
There are a large number of talks and workshops, including a legal translation workshop by one Mark Robertson, of whom it is said that he ‘holds a Degree In Sociology from the University of Essex (UK) and a Degree in Law from the College of Law (Chester, UK). Mark has been admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in 1981 and practiced law in England between 1980 and 1987. Founded and is the managing partner of Juízos de Valor Lda., a Lisbon-based company providing expert legal translations, language lessons, legal training and language consultancy services to some leading Portuguese and foreign law firms. Mark is currently co-authoring a Portuguese-English-Portuguese Encyclopaedic Law Dictionary.’
Incidentally, the ITI has for a long time now had on its website – open to non-members – an international calendar of translation events. Please enter your events there, then we’ll all know where to find them (the Lisbon conference is already in there). To see the calendar on the ITI site, click on the title just to the right of the brilliant ‘Welcome to our Home Page’.