The best-known German forensic biologist, Mark Benecke, was pinned to the ground and deprived of his camera by five police at Cottbus as he was getting out of a train, reports Berliner Kurier. A station employee at Berlin, it was claimed, (although Benecke had not been in Berlin all day), had mistaken his mobile phone for a semi-automatic rifle. No warning was given.
Kurzes Haar und Dreitagebart. Ein schwarzer Mantel, schwarze Kleidung und ein Holster – “ist fürs Handy!”. So sieht es aus, wenn Mark Benecke (berät die Polizei in komplizierten Mordfällen) durchs Land reist. Das ist vielleicht verwirrend für einen sensiblen Beamten. Eine Angestellte vom Bahnhof Zoo schlug in Berlin Alarm, als der Biologe den Zug nach Cottbus nahm.
But at least it wasn’t the Metropolitan Police.
(Via law blog)
I`m always suspicious of these guys “wearing” their mobile phones on their belts like a gun ;-)
Well, they certainly stopped him shooting anyone.
I have a belt clip for my mobile, too. I suppose I can expect to find myself flat on my face with a few law-keeping hefties on my back soon, as well.
“Honest, M’lud, I ain’t never done no-one any ‘arm wiv me mobile, really I ain’t.”
I hate to say this, but I have a feeling that might not be newsworthy. To quote Udo:
Einer meiner Mandanten, ein geb
I’m OK then – I don’t have an iPod, and I do have a beard.
Oh dear – another one. They thought he looked Egyptian:
‘A man who had gone into a diabetic coma on a bus in Leeds was shot twice with a Taser gun by police who feared he may have been a security threat.’
A better report here:
Jeepers! These cops had better hire a DUI attorney, because they’re drunk if they think the public is going to believe they honestly mistook a cell phone for an automatic rifle. If it were the Zack Morris phone I might be convinced.Seriously, cellphone’s are tiny these days anyway.