Joshua Rozenberg in der Telegraph beschreibt sein Schreiben als “Journalismus, nicht Bloggen”. Seinen Vertrag hat die Zeitung jetzt beendet, er wird aber nächstens auf der eigenen Website weiterschreiben.
Besonders interessant: Rozenberg erwähnt eine neue Art einstweilige Verfügung in England, die jede Erwähnung ihrer selbst verbietet (siehe letztes Zitat).
Joshua Rozenberg writes of law in 2009.
As already noted, he regards his writing as journalism, not blogging. He writes that blogging is largely opinion and journalism news.
Now to the nitty gritty:
I have had the misfortune to have been the last full-time, legally-qualified legal correspondent employed by both the BBC and The Daily Telegraph. There is now less coverage and analysis of law, politics and other demanding topics in the mainstream media than there was even a decade ago. …
In recent years we have seen the creation of an impressive trade press, chronicling the success or otherwise of lawyers and their practices. But the serious general reader looking for rigorous reporting has had to turn to the internet. As newspapers have shrunk, their on-line coverage has expanded.
Although this may not been immediately obvious to website readers, none of the stories and commentaries I have published on since September 2008 has appeared in print. This is the last of them: the Telegraph has terminated my contract. But I plan to resume these reports, before long, on my own website — — unless, of course, somebody makes me a better offer in the meantime.
He also refers to a new type of injunction that may not be mentioned. I haven’t yet traced the blogger who did mention it:
And blogging is also a way of by-passing the normal constraints of journalism. For example, it is now possible for the courts to issue an injunction which bans any public reference to its existence. I cannot tell you whether I have ever seen such an injunction — or at least, one that may still be in force — because to do so would be to breach it. But a very well-read blogger has recently done just this. If I were to link to that blogger’s website, I would be at risk of putting the Telegraph in contempt of court and I have no intention of doing this — tempting though it might be to test the law.
I always wondered about this, as some people rave about German bread. I’ve had some expensive bread which I thought was just OK, but which I was informed by my German flatmates was wonderful and was how all bread used to be.
In general I don’t dislike any bread in Germany, but I don’t think it’s anything to write home about, either. The taste comes from the seeds, basically. The ‘cement’ holding them together doesn’t do anything for me.
I’m not a fan of caraway seeds, but fortunately I like sunflower seeds and pumpkin(?)/marrow(?) seeds. Which is just as well!
I don’t mind sunflower seeds, but not in bread. Pumpkin seeds toasted on top of Laugenbrezen is OK.
What I like is the really fresh sourdough bread, which is moist and springy. See Anselm’s reply about the deterioration of standards. Same in UK, of course, but we never had the variety, and we had the industrial revolution earlier.
I remember passing by a farmhouse in Effeltrich where they were just baking bread. You could see the smoke rising from the outdoor bread oven, and smell it. We went in and bought a huge loaf, but it was full of caraway and other seeds (fennel? OK in curry). I think this is OK but it’s an acquired taste and I had to throw mine away.
I completely understand, however, some foods are an acquired taste. I married a German and he happened to own a great German bakery in Ft Laud. We specialize in Organic and have a good following, it’s not for everyone, but neither is ice hockey. We had to combine American taste with German style and came up with our own version. Still loaded with “hampster food” and we do make a lovely Farmers Rye and you cannot see any or taste too much caraway.
How lucky are you to be able to the german bread in the first place. But on the other hand if you are only use to steamed bread, which is just dough your welcome to it. Next time tried wetting it and see what happens.
Have you tried getting out more? It might cheer you up.
The reputation of German bread dates back to the days when it was a regional product. Each region had its own bread. A bakery would typically offer no more than four or five different kinds of bread – but those were regional, and when you travelled a few miles further, you would find other sorts of bread in the bakeries. Seeds were much less common than today. Some breads did contain caraway, flaxseed or some other seed. But you would neither find multigrain mixes nor sunflower seeds. Those are typical products of the “natural food” movement which emerged in the 1970s/1980s.
Today, you can buy dozens of different kinds of bread in each German bakery, but they’ve lost their ‘personality’. They are much like the dishes offered in “Asian restaurants” in Germany: endless variations of the same ingredients which all taste more or less alike.
One obvious reason for this is that most bakeries aren’t bakeries any more. They use industrial doughs or bread mixes (as mentioned above). They have standardized the regional recipes and sell their industrial products all over the country under the regional names. The real regional products have not (yet) completely vanished, but it has become very difficult to find them. And I am afraid that their future prospects are not the best. Regional bakeries are dying out, and neither industrial bakery chains nor “ecological” or “biological” bakeries are really taking care of the heritage. This is not France, alas.
Thanks for the useful summary.
I can’t get used to caraway – don’t mind linseed, as it doesn’t change the flavour.
I have been to Schwarz in Nuremberg, but it takes time to work out which bread to try, and then I don’t get there very often. The Hofpfisterei has also left F
I grew up in Kassel, and when I was a child (in the 60s/70s), we often had [url=]Udenhausener Bauernbrot[/url]. You can still buy it, but as you can see, the bakery which sells it has introduced two sorts of the omnipresent K
You have a great understanding of this crazy industry. Our company, being small, we still get to make things from scratch. Especially our Organic Flour Power bread. We mill our own whole grains daily and then we soak the grind…we have only 6-8 types so we manufacture and distribute from our own little “HexHaus” Oh and we ship via UPS I think the most important thing about organic bread is that the products used helpto maintain or replenish the integrity of farm land
In Poland there was always wonderful bread, so tasty that you could eat it without any additional spices, meat or vegetables. But those days are over and real bread can be found only in special bakeries that are making expensive bread for those who want to eat good stuff. The rest must eat cheap replacement in shape of a bread but filled with chemistry and artificial components. I guess that the same situation occurs in every country that hit the barrier of cost cutting paradigmatic.
what dose it looks like