The following is a quote from the newsletter sent out recently by a translation company:
Satte Rabatte bei (name of company)
Den Lesern dieses Newsletters machen wir ein Sommergeschenk. Für Übersetzungen ins britische Englisch, die in der Zeit vom 20. Juli bis 20. August 2009 in Auftrag gegeben werden, gewähren wir 10 % Lese Leser-Rabatt auf unseren Stundensatz! Wie’s kommt? Unsere Briten räumen uns sommerlich günstige Konditionen ein, die wir gern an unsere Leser weitergeben. Wie immer sind nur bestens qualifizierte Native Speaker am Werk!”
(A summer present for the readers of this newsletter. Translations into British English ordered between 20 July and 20 August 2009 will be reduced by 10%. How can we do this? Our British translators are giving us special summer prices, and we are happy to pass these on to our readers. As ever, only native speakers with the highest qualifications will be doing the translations!)
There aren’t any British translators named on the website. I suppose some will be sought.
I suppose the company is in trouble and wants to lure more customers in this way. It’s not clear why translators would offer price cuts, and if anything, summer is a time when it’s harder to find a translator.
(Received from a British colleague)