An article in Fürther Nachrichten (with photo) describes the planting of areas like traffic islands here with a mixture called Silbersommer. These are plants that like it dry (and this is a particularly sandy area) and stand up to traffic fumes.
The first time I saw them I was thrilled. But after I kept seeing the same plants out of the car window again and again, I stopped enjoying them.
I gather that the plants flower at different times. But I keep seeing yellow yarrow (Schafgarbe) in place after place.
It appears that more plantings are planned. It seems to be a nationwide initiative that was tried out for five years as an experiment.
Aus der Finanznot der Städte und Gemeinden heraus wurde das Konzept Silbersommer geboren, das inzwischen in mehr als 13 bundesdeutschen Städten umgesetzt worden ist und bei dem Würzburg eine gewisse Vorreiterrolle einnimmt.
Silbersommer with pictures and PDF.
DIY Silbersommer for your own garden (German).
Guerrilla gardeners would be nicer.
Aside from the roving Umlaut, what are the chances of newspapers using an adjective ending (Bad W
I did think about that, but they seem to be sold more often as [url=]Bad W