Pilgrims on the motorway/Pilger auf der Autobahn

Heard on radio traffic information:

Vorsicht auf der Autobahn – Pilger unterwegs.
Watch out for pilgrims on the motorway.

A picture of some pilgrims here.

BR online:

Im Landkreis Straubing-Bogen wird der gesamte Innenstadtbereich von Geiselhöring von 14 bis 15 Uhr wegen der Regensburger Diözesanwallfahrt mit cirka 8000 Teilnehmern gesperrt. Zwischen 15 und 17 Uhr ziehen die Pilger weiter nach Mengkofen. Umleitungen sind eingerichtet. (13:19)

Pilgrimage on Whit Saturday
Pilgrimage site
Webcam at Altötting

7 thoughts on “Pilgrims on the motorway/Pilger auf der Autobahn

  1. I was once cycling quite fast downhill when I almost hit a man who was dragging a massive cross uphill. But it wasn’t a motorway.

    • Sorry, I was confusing you with idiomatika, who tweeted thus last night:
      ‘Got a fucking puncture on my fucking bike and have had to walk fucking miles and I’ve just got in. Grrr.’

  2. In New Mexico (USA) thousands of pilgrims make an Easter pilgrimage during Holy Week to El Santuario de Chimay

    • Hi Karen,
      Of course, you must have them too. This is a pilgrimage at Whitsun every year (Pentecost to you Coloradans) from Regensburg to Alt

  3. A lot has changed with WordPress in the last four years!

    How do you feel about New German? I tend to lean prescriptivist anyway, so maybe it’s no surprise that that sort of thing tends to make my skin crawl.

    Also, I have a really, *really* hard time remembering genders of New German words imported from English. LEO doesn’t often provide them, either. I’m pretty sure it’s /der View/ and /die Farm/ after using those expressions daily for the last 7 years, but the rest of the Neudeutschgeschlechter elude me pretty consistently.

  4. I love new German too. Some of my favorites are pseudo-anglicisms (inventions) like:

    Beamer (projector)
    Beauty-Farm (spa)
    Dressman (male model)
    Evergreens (oldies)
    Fitness-Studio (gym)
    Flipper (pinball)
    Handy (cell phone)
    Messie (pack rat)
    Mixer (blender)
    Oldtimer (vintage car)
    Service Point (information desk)
    Shooting Star (overnight success)
    Showmaster (host)
    Slip (underwear)
    Smoking (tuxedo)
    Spot (commercial)
    Tramper (hitchhiker)

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