Fan mail/Leserreaktionen

I remember making fun of Lidl’s British Week in Germany, but can’t remember actually making a recommendation. Still, I seem to have put someone’s back up:


Englaender sind ja bekannt, dass diese weder kochen koennen , noch von kueche etwas
verstehen. Alles fuer den SCHWEINETROG

Haette ich wissen muessen, als ich mir diesen Dreck bei Lidl gekauft habe.

Schde um die 2 eur….was fuer ein schweinedreck. igitt und ab in die muelltonne

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Could it have been a lawyer? The first word of the header is a variation on Hatherwoods.

Actually, I do think crisps already impregnated with vinegar taste very strange. In my youth we used to get the little bag of salt in blue paper to put on them, but nowadays all the flavourings are added in advance.

5 thoughts on “Fan mail/Leserreaktionen

    • I haven’t actually tried them. This was a Spanish person, apparently. Don’t know if they have British week in Spain. Lidl’s website is ‘under construction’ at the moment.

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