Sun and rain/Sonne und Regen

Since I am not getting round to posting an entry, here are two photos taken this month:

22 thoughts on “Sun and rain/Sonne und Regen

    • Sincerely: Yes, thanks, I omitted the U.S. practice, since I might miss out the finer points. That’s the equivalent of my ‘Yours sincerely’.

  1. We shouldn’t leave the Swiss out of the equation.

    Tschau! is the *opener* of one Swiss-German trans. agency contact email and Mit fruendliche Gruess (actual spelling) is the sign-off.

    In return, I use Gruezi! to open and uf Wiederluegi to close, though the latter spelling often gets queried. Still it’s better than Auf wiederl

    • Funnily enough, I got an email from a Swiss bookshop this afternoon. They stuck to Mit freundlichen Gruessen but addressed me as Sg Frau Marks.

  2. Es gibt da noch eine Schweizer Besonderheit, sogar (Schweiz-)dudenkonform:

    Nach der Anrede kommt gar nix – weder Komma noch Ausrufezeichen noch sonstwas.

    “Uff Wiederluege” passt ja irgendwie nicht ins Schriftliche, sofern man nicht die Webcam beim Mailschreiben einschaltet.

    “Take care” finde ich

  3. We ought to make clear to non-German readers that the abbreviation Sg(.) stands for Sehr geehrte > very esteemed and not so-called (sogenannt) or for signora (Sig.a.)> Mrs. or Your Grace (S.G. > Sua Grazia) – the last two which might be prima facie interpretations in Italian-speaking Switzerland. Hopefully we can rule out a stalker: sg. > seguente = following.

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