From an Austrian judgment: Es war wie im Spruch zu entscheiden. My translation: The case was decided as in the operative part of this judgment.
Judgments are divided into named sections, for instance in Germany Tenor means the operative part – Spruch is the Austrian equivalent. These words are printed in the judgment, but they are used in referring to it, and Austrian judgments happen to use it in this way.
This standard wording has been discussed by translators on the internet too. Literally, it means It was necessary to decide (es war … zu entscheiden), not It was decided. Personally, I don’t think that adds any shade of meaning to the more usual English It was decided.
Repetitorium Hofmann, a cramming institute, has a very nice PDF file for trainee lawyers on the structure and wording of judgments. Probably worth saving to disc – link may not work for ever.
There’s apparently a similar expression, Es war spruchgemäß zu entscheiden. A LEO discussion has a comment containing this:
“Es war daher spruchgemäß zu entscheiden” bedeutet sinngemäß: Es war daher so zu entscheiden, wie es das Gericht getan hat. Oder: Die Entscheidung war so zu treffen, wie sie im Urteilsspruch niedergelegt ist.Die Formulierung wird üblicherweise am Ende der Urteilsgründe verwendet, um zur Abrundung noch einmal auf den Tenor (also den Kern der gerichtlichen Entscheidung, der ganz oben über der Begründung steht) Bezug zu nehmen. Der Satz besagt im Grunde genommen gar nichts und ist vollkommen überflüssig.
Thanks, I was just googling that phrase :-)
Es war daher spruchgemaess zu entscheiden. = lit. trsl: consequently the decision had to be made according to the ruling.