I know I’m not the only Margaret Marks out there, but I do keep getting emails sent to one in Washington State, I believe.
You may find this helpful for you and your husband to use when planning meals on Sundays. And that frozen meal was called Organic Bistro.
Have a great week!
Erika Brown, RD, CD
20/20 Lifestyles Dietitian
A meal planner was attached.
I keep getting e-mails for a Jill Sommer from xBox and a couple dating sites. Whenever her friends write me I always write and let them know they have the wrong e-mail address and ask them to let her know about the xBox and dating site e-mails. It’s annoying, but I have simply filtered those e-mails to my Spam folder and don’t see them anymore.
I do reply but I don’t filter them out because I don’t want to filter my own address out.